Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Bringing Jesus on the Scene
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Where's My Thanksgiving Teleprompter LOL
But if you are alone please know that God is right there with you. His love and grace are sufficient so don't be sad or depressed! I know easier said than done but we'll be back to real life LOL soon! And this is one day in America that we are so blessed to be able to take to say thank you to God and to and for each other!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving Eve Day Safe Travel and Thank you To The Troops
Prayer of salvation to KNOW you'll have eternal life.
The scriptures say that if we believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord...you shall be saved. I did that at the age of 26. That was 33 years ago. Please just say a little prayer for your heart. God will hear. He will save you and give you eternal life. It's very easy. Do NOT make it difficult. It is not religion. It is simply a relationship with you maker! That is what I really think!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Illegal Alien American Dream Act - How many dumb ass moves will he make....
Obama just got clobbered in the elections last week. We don't have enough room (just one reason why tuitions are so high and rising) in our colleges for legal people including immigrants who came here and became US citizens and obama stubbornly wants to pass the Illegal Alien American Dream Act....OMG doesn't he have enough on his stupid ass plate........equally WRONG MOVE AGAIN obama that to try to shove another DUMB ASS move through on America????? OMG when will this bull shit ever end!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
On Prayer: When you ask, you must believe...have faith...and NOT doubt....
"But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord." James 1:6-7
So...along with believing...having FAITH....you must also NOT doubt. How easy is that? Well...we are not use to not doubting. Most of us aren't anyway.
We ( I am talking in generalities not specifics ) like to weigh all the angles. We like to add to our faith...."well what if it doesn't work"....LOL. If we saw that as an insult to God it may help reduced the amount of doubt that we generally like to add to our prayers.
This is the way I believe and pray: If I am NOT going to fully believe for something why waste my time? If I plan to add doubt to the mixture why waste God's time?
Does that help?
So when you pray....believe! Have FAITH....AND DO NOT add doubt!
We are suppose to be as (AS) little children..with their child like faith ...when we pray. Think about a little child asking daddy for a bike for Christmas. Any father that can afford (and God is a big God and He CAN afford) to be able to buy his child a bike for Christmas or other event...birthday, etc. WILL buy his child a bike for Christmas.
God is the same way. His is real and His love and words are real. He just wants our faith. He LOVE our faith. Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.
But all things are POSSIBLE to those who believe.
Watching CSpan3 American History TV: FDR, Churchill, and World War II Leadership
"FDR, Churchill, and World War II Leadership" Victor Hanson, visiting professor of history from Stanford University will present a history class on Masters and Commanders. Hanson examines how leaders, both civilian officials and generals on the battlefield, conducted wars. On C-Span3 Victor Davis Hanson at Hillsdale College Military Historian |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
72 virgins .....that's pretty sick when you think about it..yet that muslim in Indonesia did not want to shake hands with First Lady ...
........when you add the "virgin" part to 72 it makes it sound holy.....well those horney bastard islamic terrorists...that's pretty sick.
So they want give the death penatly to an innocent Christian who was just doing her job in the fields amidst other women...muslims....they asked her to fetch some water then refused the water because it was delivered to them by an "unclean" woman because she was Christian...infidel.
So they trapped her and falsely accused her and said she disgraced mohammed or something and now she has a death sentence on her.......sick bastard muslim religion....and these must be the moderates we're talking about!
JUST SAY NO TO SHARIA LAW! Sharia law is growing in England. I have a first hand report. Taxis are going out of business because they won't let women ride in taxis...they are infusing in the neighborhoods and taking over...
JUST SAY NO TO SHARIA LAW IN AMERICA We better fight this thing or our kids and grandkids won't stand a chance. If we stay silent that's all it takes! YOu better speak up while you have a chance. And don't let them accuse you of being a islamicphobist....accuse them right back of being a Christianphobist or Americanphobist or what ever phobist.
We don't have to be mean about it but we had better open our mouths when we see it, hear, it, smell it! otherwise it will grow like yeast in bread.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Dems want more and more and MORE of your money! $100,000 by midnight tomorrow! Here's just one of their emails from today
Another begging for money email from the Democrats! "
"P.S. As we speak, our lawyers are fighting back against Republican dirty tricks. But we must raise $100,000 by Midnight Tomorrow"
Oh! You can't pay your mortgage and bills or put food on your table but they need $100,000 by midnight tomorrow. And after that they will want MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE OF YOUR money!
Then as they are in office they will want more of your tax money so they can spread it around to other people! Can you believe this! Time to change parties like I did once and for all! Less government means more freedom and money for YOU and your loved ones! Don't believe the lies of the Democrats not one more day!
Here's is just one of today's emails!
Wanda --
This race is still not over.There are still approximately nine races that remain too close to call. We are confident in winning most of these races but not unless we can get enough resources in time.Recounts are a costly and many times lengthy process and the simple fact is that our campaigns are out of cash. We must raise $100,000 by Midnight Tomorrow.Having these nine Democrats in Congress next year matters a great deal in winning in 2012, but also in stopping the Republicans' extreme agenda to privatize Medicare and Social Security and dismantle health care and Wall Street reform.We have already asked so much of you but this is the time we stand together and show the Republican party that we may be bruised but our spirit will not be broken.Contribute $5, $10 or more today to support our critical voter protection efforts.
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Here is an update on some of these too-close-to-call races:
We cannot let the Republicans use their same playbook of dirty tricks straight out of Florida in 2000 to sneak in these and six other far right wing candidates into Congress through the back door.Contribute $5, $10 or more today to support our critical voter protection efforts.Winning most of these nine races would send the strongest possible message to the media, the Republicans, and the world that our spirit is not broken.Let's fight harder than ever to win these nine races so we can stop the Republicans' extreme agenda and continue standing up for working Americans.Thank you,Rep. Chris Van Hollen
DCCC ChairmanP.S. As we speak, our lawyers are fighting back against Republican dirty tricks. But we must raise $100,000 by Midnight Tomorrow to keep the Republicans from discounting any Democratic votes in these too-close-to-call races. Contribute to support our voter protection efforts.
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Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 (202) 863-1500 | www.dccc.org | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |
To always receive our emails, add dccc@dccc.org to your address book. Learn how.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave #MilitaryMon Big & Rich - 8th Of November (Video)
War is hell! Thank you and BIG honor to all our Veterans and current fighting men and women and to all their families. God bless America! Land of the free...home of the BRAVE! Words cannot express my love and gratitude to those who fight and those who die for our country! What makes America so great besides all the little stuff is the big stuff our brave warriors do for us down through the ages on into the ages. Every one who has served our country I want to say a BIG THANK YOU!