Thursday, March 17, 2011

I've been getting these emails from AT&T lately! They want 2 "save" me $ charging me more LOL

Because you're a valued customer, we'd like to help you save on your monthly bill. Based on your current data usage, we think your family could save money by upgrading (SAVE MONEY BY UPGRADING LOL) to Messaging & Data Unlimited.

One or more of your family members has a limited messaging and data plan - which means that additional charges will be incurred if they go over (IF they go over---NOT planning to go over had this plan for several months now LOL) their plan limit. A Messaging & Data Unlimited plan offers unlimited Mobile Web access to check email,(I already get unlimited to do all this stuff LOL ) update social networks like Facebook and Twitter, get the latest news, and much more for just $30 per month per line. Plus they'll have unlimited messaging to send text, picture, video, and instant messages to friends and family on any network nationwide. 

I already pay $20 for all this except the unlimited texting but have a plan for that in place....they want $10 from me....check out the wording!  Love you AT&T but not going for it!  LOL

Posted via email from wandafay's posterous

1 comment:

Alan P. LaRue said...

I've gotten the same email from AT&T 5 times in the last week. My wife and I each have 200 text messages, and we never use them up. No data plan, and we don't have smartphones. There is no way we would save money by upgrading! I consider this email to be my own wireless company trying to scam me.