PC is an acronym...meaning it's a shorter version for words that are larger. PC could mean personal computer. It's also short for "politically correct".
"What's politically correct mommy?" Well, darling politically correct can mean many things and have many depths of meanings. But in this case where we say China is PC it means the government of China controls the people and wants to control them even more, so they don't have any freedom.
That's why in America we are trying to preserve our freedoms. But even people in our government are more and more trying to impose their wants upon the people so we have less individual freedoms.
PC, being politically correct like not asking questions about being a lesbian, or more so if you disagree and want to talk about not being a lesbian, well that's just not PC.
It doesn't mean or have anything to do with being mean or hating lesbians because we don't do that anyway, we love lesbians just like God loves lesbians. But they don't like us to talk about our ideas or beliefs about us thinking it's wrong to be a lesbian.
You have to be very careful what you say about things even in America, because our system is becoming very PC. Do you understand darling?
Well....kind of.
And PC also means that we don't want to offend anybody. Not that we want to hurt anyones feelings, but free speech and speaking truth about things sometimes is going to hurt feekings
But just like me yelling at you not to run into the street after your ball because a car is coming might hurt your feelings right at first, but it's only because I love you and don't want you hurt.
That right to yell at you could somday be taken away by PC. People could start complaining to the government about parents yelling at their kids when cars are getting ready to hit them and the government mighty make laws in America saying it is illegal to yell at your kids when the car is coming. That is also PC.
................Mommy! Can I go out and play?
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