Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Passion That Saved Us From Eternal Death
This is a beautiful song by Chris Tomlin. Because of what Jesus did on the cross and through His suffering by taking our judgment there is a door for us to walk through to receive eternal life. He is the door. Just think! We are going to live forever! We have been totally forgiven for every sin. If you believe in the Gospel that Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross and that God raised Him from the dead and confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord" you shall be saved. It is very simple but the human mind always makes things too complicated. Reason with not get you to heaven. God gave us a brain to think with but don't let it get in the way of your heart, especially in this case.
What did The Passion of The Christ movie really mean to me? So many things. But one of my greatest was an appreciation and gratitude that Mel Gibson made this movie from his own passion. I had no idea that the awesome actor I absolutely loved and adored especially as the passionate and hilarious character Martin Riggs in Lethal Weapon would someday make a movie this dear to my heart about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I was so proud of him for taking this on. God bless him for it. And God bless all those who helped in making this, one of the greatest films not only of all times but that it was a Christian film and very well done. The word cheesy comes to mind when I think of so many "Christian" made movies in the past. But not this one. This was and still is to this day the classiest Christian movies of all time in my opinion. Well, they are getting better and better. And I know they will keep on improving as the Lord leads.
I will leave you with this. In my early years of knowing the Lord He gave me a revelation of Isaiah 53. I'll let you go there and read it for yourself if you aren't familiar with it. Most Christians that have been in the Lord a while are familiar with this passage. It talks about the suffering the Lord would endure. It was prophetic. It was Old Testament. Jesus had not even arrived on planet earth in human form yet. It was futuristic. Just as talking now about a sequel to The Passion of the Christ movie is. We're talking about it as if it's going to happen.
The Lord gave me a deep revelation many years ago of what He actually went through for us. He gave it to me while reading Isaiah 53. "Wounded for our transgressions"...He would be wounded. He was wounded. That suffering that you saw on the movie screen was real. He went through that for you and me. And it wasn't because the Jews were hating on him. It was the punishment He took for my sin and yours. The sin nature that we all inherited as human beings after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. If you ever get a revelation in the spirit of this specific passage your understanding of salvation will be much greater. You will never be the same and you will never doubt Jesus Christ's love for you ever again.
You see my first greatest sin was unbelief that Jesus Christ was who He said He was. If I had known him early on I would most likely made a wiser choice than the sin of having an abortion to my first child. Back then I didn't think about "sin", nor thought I was a sinner. I went along in life ignoring the message of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I was listening to a lie from the pit of hell. Just like when Jesus was born, Herod was listening to the devil's lies and sent men to kill all baby boys under the age of two in the region. He wanted Jesus Christ dead. He felt threatened that one so young had such fame already.
It was a spiritual thing. In the spirit, Herod being the evil ruler he was went along with the destroyer...the devil...the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy. The devil was threatened by Jesus. Jesus was going to destroy Satan's power eventually and the devil knew it! It had also been prophesied to him as we read way back in the book of Genesis.
Now the Savior had come into the world. The devil was done for! But he would do anything in his evil power to get rid of him right off the bat so spoke it the ears of Herod. That same evil spirit goes around still today seeking whom he may destroy and abortion is one of his tools. That's also why it's very important to pray! Pray about everything the Bible says!
Well, Jesus forgave me for all my sins including the murder of my own child. It would be an insult to Him if I walked around in condemnation for what I did. Murderers when found out are prosecuted and either go to prison or die by lethal means. The Bible says you reap what you so. I did not go without much suffering later on as the effect of that abortion took a toll on my life. The guilt and grief of that would be buried deep inside my soul and affect me in a horrible way. A horrible story that must be told. But not here, not now. My baby is in heaven and I have been forgiven.
So watching the scenes of Jesus being given stripes not only was punishment for our sins but in those stripes we also are healed. We can stand on it, the Word of God. I have been set free! This song is a beautiful glorious thing that has more meaning that you could understand. You might want to listen to it several times over and over. I do, and use it on my talk radio shows frequently.
Let it bless you and heal you as you listen, knowing Jesus Christ died for your sin of unbelief also. And all the other outward and inward sins you may have committed. There are more sins than just the fleshly kind. The sins of the heart aren't pretty in His sight either. They are some of the worse in His sight.
Of all people Jesus was most disgusted with when He walked on earth was the pharisees and sadduces. It's the same today. Religious people filled with arrogance, pride, and a better than thou attitude, thinking you know it all when you don't know, leaning to your own understanding while judging others, trying to play God, controlling people, a critical spirit, anger, rage, jealousy all these things the Lord hates with a passion.
But they also are of course included in redemption. He loves us anyway and is not ever condemning us. His passion paid for it all. The Holy Spirit will convict, but not condemn. There is a very big HUGE difference. God bless you and His peace, love, and joy be on you! More on all this later I'm sure!
Love, Wandafay
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